This is the information page for the KiriBaku Bingo Flash Bang.

*Information on this page may change over time.
Last updated: 03/27/2022
Schedule update
Bingo game update


The KrbK Bingo Flash Bang is an invite only KrBk-centric flash bang planned for mid January to late March/early April.

The event is an attempt to create a bang event that avoids the usual pitfalls of the more common big bang events, with a twist.

For information on the bingo portion check our guide.

⭐AO3 Collection⭐

⭐Twitter Collection⭐


(Tentative dates)

December 15th: Invites officially sent / Sign-ups are open

January 10th: Sign-ups close

January 14th: Discord invites issued
January 21st: Concept check due.

January 28th: Official creation period begins.
February 25th-27th: Check-In Due
March 18th-20th: Final Check-In Due.

March 25th: Stories revealed. Art posting begins. Bingo cards released for participants.
March 27th: Final day for art/preview posts.

March 25th: Bingo game early start for participants
March 28th: Bingo game opens to the public
April 1st: Bingo cards submission form opens
April 7th: Bingo card requests close
April 14th: Final day to submit bingo card

Q & A

Q: What is a flash bang?
A: In general, a flash bang is a collaborative fanwork creating event between writers and artists within a short time frame. A flash bang skips the summary claiming process by pairing off writers and artists at the beginning. This way the bang can run on a much tighter schedule and writers/artists have the opportunity to work collaboratively start to finish.

For this bingo bang invitees are asked to choose their partner before signing up.

Q: What is a bingo flash bang?
A: This is the twist! During posting period every participant will be given a comment bingo card. The card is filled by commenting on a team's art and fic. Once you make a specified pattern you submit the card for an event specific sticker to be mailed to you. There will be a deadline to submit cards.

NOTE: You may decline the sticker for privacy reasons, but you may still participate for fun.

Q: Is there a theme?
A: Only KiriBaku!

Q: How does pairing work? Can there be more than two people on a team?
A: Mods will not be creating teams unless special circumstances apply.
Those with direct invites will be free to invite a friend or mutual to work as their “plus-one”. Writers will invite an artist, artists will invite a writer. The only restriction is that your partner must be 18 years or older before December 15 2021. Teams will be made up of pairs only.

Q: Can I pair up with someone who’s already been invited?
A: Yes!

Q: How will check-in work?
A: Teams will submit their WIP by either pasting or submitting a Google document with their story, and uploading screenshots of their art draft(s).

How will the final check-in work?
A: After a writer submits their story to the official AO3 collection, their team will fill out the final check-in form. They will be asked to include the story's AO3 link and to upload screenshots of the completed artwork (regardless of whether it has been embedded to AO3 or not). Moderators will review the submission before confirming completion status.

Q: How will posting work?
A: All approved stories submitted to the official AO3 collection will be revealed on the first posting date. Artists will be required to post their art on Twitter within a three day period starting the same day stories are revealed.

Q: Will there be betas?
A: Betas will not be officially recruited into the event, but there will be several beta reader options available to writers. We will have a channel dedicated to offering/requesting help from other participants and mods will be offering beta services at a limited capacity. Writers may also request help from a trusted beta outside of the event.

Q: Will there be pinch-hitters?
A: Pinch-hitters will be recruited by mods from the pool of active participants if needed.

Rules & Guidelines

  • All submissions must be KiriBaku-centric. OT3+ ships including Kirishima and/or Bakugou are not allowed.

  • Submissions may be SFW or NSFW. Tag appropriately.

  • Tag in general! Fic and art posts must include major CWs when posted.

  • All submissions must be made for the event, never before posted publicly.

  • All submissions must be completed by the final deadline. There’s little time for extensions.

  • No plagiarism. Getting caught will result in a permanent ban.

  • Although it’s not mandatory to embed art on AO3, the required art format was chosen to make images fit neatly under text. Instructions on how to embed images will be made available.

  • All participants must have both a Twitter and Discord account. Writers are required to have an AO3 account.

  • Communicate with your partner and mods. Real life takes priority, but please be honest and respectful by letting people know you’ll be busy.

The following themes/tropes are forbidden:

  • 18+ content with underage characters

  • Non-con

  • Bestiality

Guidelines for Writers:

  • Hard 2k minimum and 3k maximum word counts.

  • Complete one-shot stories only

  • Basic editing required for quality

Guidelines for Artists:

  • A minimum of two spot illustrations. More than two require mod approval first.

  • The art must fit within a horizontal box/format. Similar to a comic panel. This is so the art may complement the text on AO3.

  • Maximum dimensions - W: 2600 px H: 1500 px

  • In regards to color: Simple styles require a minimum of flat colors. B&W is acceptable for more complicated styles. Use your best judgement, remember you’re presenting alongside your partner.

  • Format Examples:


For quicker response time please contact via Twitter.

Bingo Guide

It’s Bingo, but like a punch card with extra steps ⭐
By commenting on our flash bang art and fic players can win a prize!

Our prize is a limited event sticker ⭐ All official flash bang participants who submit a valid card will receive a sticker. Regular players will get them on a first-come-first-served basis from the remaining count. (Previews of the sticker will be posted on Twitter.)

Keep in mind that:
All players must be 18 or older as of March 25th 2022.Players are also forbidden from sharing a single card.
Important Dates
Early start for bang participants: March 25thOpen to all players: March 28thFinal day to request a card: April 7thEnd/Last day to submit card: April 14th
First, you’ll need a bingo card. Flash bang participants, the writer and artist teams who made our wonderful collection, will have first dibs on cards. A limited number of cards will be made available to others Monday, March 28th.

Participants: Request a card from your moderator.

Regular players: Request a card via Twitter DMs (starting March 28th)

Cards will be available to all until April 7th. No cards will be distributed beyond this date.

Once you have a card you can begin. The goal is to get a bingo by crossing two continuous lines, each four spaces long.

A space can only be crossed out when you comment on a team’s fic and art on both AO3 and Twitter, or when you complete a task.

This is the main way to cross out a square. The numbers on the card represent the collective work of the team with the matching number. Follow our Twitter or check our AO3 collection to find each fic and art piece. Leave a comment on AO3 AND on the matching art post on Twitter. The participants worked really hard, we want to show them our appreciation ⭐

AO3 Collection
Twitter Thread of Previews and Art

You do not necessarily need an AO3 account to comment. You can use the anonymous comments feature, but you must sign each AO3 comment consistently with one name. This is so mods can verify your comments.

For Twitter comments (replies) you are required to have an unlocked account. If we cannot verify your comments/replies or completed tasks we will not accept your bingo.

Task Completion:
Some squares have a task you need to complete. They each help promote our event and participants.

Tag a friend: Tag a friend on our promo TweetRT our promo post: Self explanatory. Just RT our promo TweetQRT with your top 3: QRT our promo post with three specific recommendations. Can be as simple as, “Really loved teams #,#, and#!”
Promo Post

Below are examples of acceptable bingo cards marked in green. Not acceptable cards are marked in red.

Acceptable: Two lines, four spaces long each.
Not acceptable: Broken lines and lines under four spaces in length.

Once your card is complete upload your marked card and fill out our form. You will be asked to confirm that you are 18 years or older, what names/accounts you commented under, and your mailing information.

Form (Opens April 1st)

Once the card is reviewed you will receive a message via Discord/Twitter letting you know if it’s been accepted. Stickers will be mailed out at the end of the play period.

One last note on mailing: Stickers will be mailed from the US using basic postage. Everyone is welcome but I, mod Respite, ask that you be patient and understanding if I am unable to mail reliably to your location. Replacements will not be likely due to potential cost and limited number of stickers.

Feel free to bring up questions or concerns via Twitter or Tellonym.

Have fun⭐